WebSaver Canada Coupons: Save 45 Cents On Wonder Bread

September 29th 2024

It seems like it’s been quite some time since we’ve seen a coupon for Wonder Bread, but there is finally a printable coupon available, and you can access this new coupon through the link below. Save 45 cents on the purchase of Wonder White and White Wheat bread with this new coupon.

This is also probably the lowest value coupon we’ve ever seen for bread, but some savings is certainly better than none. Unfortunately you will need a printer for this WebSaver coupon as there is no option to load it to your WebSaver wallet. This week Wonder Bread is 2/$6 at Loblaws and Zehrs, which would make it $2.55 with the coupon, and $2.79 at Fortinos, which would make it $2.34 with the coupon.

Click here to get your printable WebSaver coupon for 45 cents off the purchase of Wonder White and Whole Wheat bread. 

This Coupon was used 10 times.